Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Manuel Aristides Ramirez

I know I'm a coupla days late posting on this, seeing as that both the Sox and A's team planes have already touched down on the US West Coast, but give me a fuckin break, I've had a flu from the Dark Ages. It doesn't matter what anybody else says about this bad man to me, I love Manny. Sure, he's a bit of a dipshit from time to time; standing in the batter's box for ages as he admires his work or tripping on nothing and landing straight on his kneecap as he nearly bungles a routine fly ball. However, he can do what the rest of us only dream night after night. And in some ungodly hour on Tuesday morning, he saved the day again, in a way only he can. By hitting a two-run double that he obviously thought was a three-run bomb, listing in the box to watch his handywork. However, once he realized it wasn't going out, he bolted up the basepaths and arrived at second base, safe, faster than I have ever seen him run. In fact, it may be faster than he thought he could run, but he covered nicely in the post-game interview by saying he's "got some speed" to get there (check video of Manny down the page through quoted link). All in all, this just gets me that much more excited for another baseball season, even if the Sox lost this morning (Manny hit a bomb though!!!)!!

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